Votive Offering for Mother Goddess Leto

  • Unknown
  • Hellence
  • 2nd-3rd century A.D.
  • Marble
  • Rezan Has Museum Collection

Μητέρα Λητὼ Μαρκιανὴ Γλύκωνος

ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων ἀνέθηκεν

“Markiane, daughter of Glykon erected  (this votive offering) for Mother Goddess Leto by paying (money) out of her own pocket.”

As the Mother Goddess of Lycia, Leto is the mother of Apollo and Artemis in Hellenic mythology. This inscription was quite possibly discovered in the Mediterranean Region (Fethiye-Antalya), the native land of Goddess Leto.